VIVAT Multitalent

Your partner for real estate and material asset investments


VIVAT offers its investors various options for investing their assets. Since the foundation of the company in 2012, customers have been able to make lucrative investments with VIVAT in the form of securities lending and benefit from attractive interest rates. Just sit back and let your money work for you.


Financial products Investments


Fixed-interest securities: Your capital investment with a fixed term and interest rate

One-time investments

Do you have a certain amount of money at your disposal and would like to invest it to build up your assets?

Our fixed-interest one-time investments offer you attractive interest rates and a high degree of predictability for your invested capital.

To the one-time investments

Savings investments

Would you like to set up a regular savings plan for your children, your retirement or to finance your wishes?

Our savings plans help you to systematically build up your assets.

To the savings investments

Advantages of an investment with VIVAT

  • Plannable and attractive interest income with calculable risk
  • Manageable term
  • High flexibility due to quarterly interest payments
  • No premium/processing fees
  • Risk minimisation through broad diversification of the invested capital in different real estate projects
  • Competent support from trained staff for questions about your contract


To the products


VIVAT Investments

Value preservation & development

In order to achieve the greatest possible increase in value for our investors’ capital, we invest it in profitable real estate projects in accordance with our corporate philosophy of “values that are sustainable”.

Our focus is on properties with historical significance, high prestige and in particularly sought-after locations. Depending on the project objective and the condition of the property, these are upgraded through structural measures and subsequently sold at the highest possible profit.

Further information

Value preservation & protection

The company also has a gold stock of currently 60.6 kg and can show higher liquidity and flexibility due to this additional capital reserve.

Thus, in addition to attractive interest rates and manageable maturities, we offer our customers adequate protection for their capital.

Further information


Your path to an investment

Personal advice

Our trained network of intermediaries advises investors in numerous European countries and assists them in concluding contracts.

Online subscription

New investors can sign a contract online via our website

Existing investors have the option of using the investor portal to conclude further contracts.

"Purchase against delivery"

After consultation with your bank advisor, he or she will be happy to purchase the securities from the relevant issuer on your behalf.


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Sales in millions of €




Real estate projects